Dr. Horowitz’s Lyme Book Makes History


2013 Horowitz NYT


 According to Richard I. Horowitz, MD, this is a “landmark moment,” and the LDA  agrees with him.  He is the first author of a chronic Lyme book that has made the New York Times Science Best Sellers List, and he did it within the first month of his book being released.  This accomplishment confirms that Lyme simply IS a BIG deal, people are getting sick, they want more information and the standard quo is not sufficient.

His book comes out among the following:

  • Aug 2013 – CDC announced the number of Lyme cases is probably more like 300,000 per year instead of the reported 30,000 we’ve been hearing about.
  • Nov 2013 – Pat Smith, Preseident, LDA, analysis of CDC reported numbers determined from 1990-2011, adjusted for underreporting, 1,590,449 children have developed Lyme.  (click here for analysis)
  • Dec 2013 – CDC Announced Lyme Carditis suddenly killed 3 people (click here for for more info)
  • Nov 2013 – US House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Health SubCommittee Hearing on HR 610, Creation of a Lyme Disease Advisory Committee.  The first hearing ever on a Lyme bill. (click here for more info)
  • Dec 2013 – In a related matter, FDA Bans antibiotics in animal feed

2013 DrHorowitzDr. Horowitz has also created a new website and facebook page that has links to his recent blogs, videos and podcasts.  There is a wealth of information available for you to explore. /

The LDA congratulates Dr. Richard Horowitz on his success and wishes him well with all future endeavors to open doors so patients can get the treatment they need!