Psilocybin: Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder?

psilocybin mushroomJAMA (Raison, C.L., eta al.) 8.31.2023 published “Single-Dose Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder –
A Randomized Clinical Trial.” In this study, researchers evaluated single dose psilocybin for its antidepressant effects and
safety in patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Study was conducted as a randomized clinical trial and it was found that psilocybin treatment (as a single 25 mg dose) was “associated with a clinically significant sustained reduction in depressive symptoms and functional disability” with no serious adverse events (AEs). These findings support psilocybin (administered with psychological support) as a potential treatment for MDD.

For More Information:

Read the JAMA Article

Read additional LDA articles on psilocybin treatment potential