Paxlovid Approved as COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment by FDA

JAMA (Harris, E.) 6.7.23, published “FDA Grants Full Approval to Paxlovid, COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment.” The article provides a summary of the FDA’s recent approval of the oral drug, Paxlovid.

A combination of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir, Paxlovid has been approved for the management of mild to moderate COVID-19 infections in adults who are considered high risk for severe disease. The drug had been granted Emergency Use Authorization in December of 2021.

The article states that, according to the FDA, children ages 12 to 18 years are not included within the most recent approval but will have access to Paxlovid that was produced and packaged under the Emergency Use Authorization, as will adults.

Adverse effects of Paxlovid treatment commonly include impaired taste and diarrhea. The drug’s mechanism of action may interfere with the efficacy of other drugs. The FDA suggests that providers review Paxlovid’s boxed warning and consider potential interactions when prescribing the drug.

For more information:

Read the article in JAMA.

Read more information about Paxlovid on LDA’s website.