Increased Immunosuppression in US Adults

ImmunosuppressionJAMA Network (Martinson, M.L. and Lapham, J.) 02.15.2024, published “Prevalence of Immunosuppression Among US Adults.” In this study, researchers found that immunosuppression in adults has increased in the past 8 years (2013-2021) through self-assessment reporting. The previous national estimate from 2013 was 2.7%, while the 2021 national estimate increased to 6.6%. Authors suggest that COVID 19 may have played a role in this increase.

The patterns in the distribution were similar in 2013 and 2012 for immunosuppression by sex, race, and age. Immunosuppression prevalence for women (7.9%) was higher than for men (5.2%). The highest rates of immunosuppression were found for American Indian or Alaska Native respondents (8.4%); White respondents (7.4%); and aged 60 to 69 years respondents (9.5%).

Authors note, as this population is at increased risk from viral and bacterial infections, increase of prevalence is an important consideration for public health in the US that would benefit from further study.

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