NCIPM Free Tick Handout: Maps, Photos, Life Cycles

The North Central IPM Center ( has released The North Central IPM Center National “Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases Pest Alert,” April 2023, which has been updated in time for May Awareness 2023. The Center is one of 4 regional centers funded by the USDA to adopt effective integrated pest management strategies. NCIPM links partnerships and communications networks in 12-state North Central region of the US and is currently housed at Michigan State University.

The Alert was created by the Public Tick IPM Working Group in collaboration with IPM Institute and Regional IPM Centers. The Lyme Disease Association, Inc. is a member of that Working Group.

Free print copies in units of 50 are available. You may also read this pest alert online or download a free pdf.

For More Information:

Updated Alert
Public Tick IPM Working Group
To Request for free printed copies, email: [email protected]