Promising Advances in Diagnostics of ME/CFS

Photo: Woman with fatigueAdvanced Science (Xu, J., et al.) 08.31.2023 published “Developing a Blood Cell-Based Diagnostic Test for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells.” In this study, researchers utilized a single-cell Raman platform (noninvasive microspectroscopy) and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze peripheral blood cells from patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and control subjects.

The results of the analysis show that Raman profiles of blood cells are able to differentiate with high accuracy (91%) between healthy control subjects, disease controls, and patients with ME/CFS. The analysis also shows high accuracy (84%) in differentiating ME/CFS patients with mild, moderate, or severe disease.

Promising is that researchers discovered specific Raman peaks that correlate with ME/CFS phenotypes. This discovery provides potential for insights into biological changes in individuals which may support the development of new therapeutics for disease. Authors believe this approach can be utilized to better understand, diagnose, and develop therapeutics for other chronic diseases such as long COVID and Lyme disease.

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