No Ticks, Please

NoTicksPleaseBy Nancy Fox, Ed.D. Published August 3, 2015
No Ticks, Please is a valuable tool to help prevent Lyme disease. Children ages 5-9 are at the highest risk of acquiring Lyme disease, yet there are few tools for parents and schools to use with younger children. In this book, simple messages combined with colorful, attention-getting illustrations will keep the children’s interest and do provide a non-threatening platform for further discussion of how to avoid tick bites and tick-borne diseases─a must for every primary library.

No Ticks, Please Nancy Fox, Ed.D Lyme tick bookBy Nancy Fox, Ed.D. Published August 3, 2015

No Ticks, Please is a valuable tool to help prevent Lyme disease. Children ages 5-9 are at the highest risk of acquiring Lyme disease, yet there are few tools for parents and schools to use with younger children. In this book, simple messages combined with colorful, attention-getting illustrations will keep the children’s interest and do provide a non-threatening platform for further discussion of how to avoid tick bites and tick-borne diseases─a must for every primary library.

Nancy Fox, Ed.D is an educator of Pre-K-12 grade students throughout her career. Her passion for teaching about ticks came from a long-term illness of Lyme disease and Babesiosis. Dr. Fox has written Hide-and-Seek: No Ticks, Please and The Parasite Convention. A K-12 Lyme Disease Prevention Education & Awareness Curriculum is available for schools and organizations.

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