Helpful Links

If you click on any of the links below, you will be leaving the LDA website.


Federal government site for health resources for citizens


Travel Assistance 

Assistance for any patient needing to travel to a distant specialized medical facility for evaluation, diagnosis or treatment.  Patients served are people for whom the cost of long-distance travel for medical care is difficult financially.

National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses, Inc. (NAHHH)
NAHHH is an association of more than 150 nonprofit organizations located throughout the U.S. that provide family-centered lodging and support services to families and their loved ones who are receiving medical treatment far from their home communities.


PubMed/Medline Search
PubMed was developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The PubMed database was developed in conjunction with publishers of biomedical literature as a search tool for accessing literature citations and linking to full-text journal articles at web sites of participating publishers. For more information please refer to the PubMed overview.