Other Conferences

2001 LDA & Columbia University Annual Scientific Conference

Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases: A 21st Century View

Held on November 10, 2001
Dorral Forrestal
Princeton, New Jersey
To View Brochure : List of Speakers, Agenda, Program Accreditation and Miscellaneous

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Note: Dr. Stephen C. Davison NASA Headquarters, replaced Dr Joshua J. Zimmerberg in the faculty of this program.


2000 LDA Annual Scientific Conference


Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases: Focus on Children and Adolescents

Held on November 4, 2000

Doral Forrestal

Princeton, New Jersey

To View Brochure :  List of Speakers, Agenda, Program Accreditation and Miscellaneous

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1999 LDA  Annual Scientific Conference at Bard College


Lyme and Other Spirochetal and Tick-Borne Diseases: A Two Day Discussion of the Most Recent Developments in Research and Clinical Management

Held on November 13 &14, 1999

To View Brochure:  List of Speakers, Agenda, Program Accreditation and Miscellaneous

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