Lyme Disease Presenting as Complete Heart Block in a Young Man: Case Report and Review of Pathogenesis


The ID Cases Journal (Carnazzo M. C., et al.) 2023, published “Lyme disease presenting as complete heart block in a young man: Case report and review of pathogenesis.”

This case report focuses on a young man with complete heart block due to a complication of Lyme disease months after a tick bite. This complication is Lyme carditis, which is a rare complication of Lyme disease which primarily affects young adults, with men being more affected than women with a 3:1 ratio. This case report mentions how important it is for clinicians to be familiar with this complication, because if it is caught and treated early enough, the condition is reversible, avoiding long-term complications and permanent pacemakers.


For More Information:

Read the article on the ID Cases Journal website.

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