Bad News from CDC; Advocates Meet; New Bart Test

November 2018
2017 Tick-Borne Disease Numbers are Out: The News is Not Good
Although the numbers of tick-borne diseases have been out several days on CDC’s Wonder platform, a new data set format for tick-borne diseases has just been introduced today by CDC for 2017. It includes much pertinent information including the state numbers, state incidence map and rate, rate per 100,000 by age group, by race, by ethnicity, by sex, for Lyme disease–alll which will be in an easy layout to follow. Other TBDs totals are also there. Something the LDA has requested since last year, a disclaimer, has been made on the map concerning MA. MA has changed its reporting so that it relies primarily on lab reports, so it has not been able to have most of its numbers reported out by CDC as it does not meet the case definition set by the Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). A similar disclaimer should be made for NY. CDC will be releasing more information early next week.
2017 reported case numbers for Lyme, 42,743, is appears to be the largest total reported by CDC. Considering the disease is underreported by a factor of 10,that means 427,430 cases occurred in the US in 2017.
CDC Results show a record number of tick-borne diseases.
The LDA has listed the states in rank order for Lyme disease incidence by state for 2017 for states CDC classifies as high incidence states:
1. ME (106.6), 2. VT (103.6), 3. PA (72.2), 4. NH (71.2), 5. RI (56.2), 6. DE (43.8), 7. NJ (40.3), 8. CT (38.5), 9. WI (31.0), 10. WV (27.7), 11. MD (19.7), 12. NY (17.6), 13. VA (12.3), 14. DC (8.9), 15. MA (4.7)
LDA has listed states in rank order for Lyme disease reported case numbers by state for 2017:
1. PA (11,900); 2. NY (5,155); 3. NJ (5,092); 4. WI (3,000); 5. MN (2,318); 6. CT (2,051); 7. MD (1,891);  8. ME (1,850); 9. VA (1,657); 10. NH (1381); 11. VT (1,092); 12. RI (1,132);   13. WV (648); 14. DE (608); 15. NC (295)
LDA has listed top 10 age groups in rank order for Lyme diseases reported cases for 2017:
1. 60-64 (3,836); 2. 55-59 (3,717); 3. 5-9 (3,536); 4. 65-69 (3,479); 5. 50-54 (3119); 6. 10-14 (2,953); 7. 40-44 (2,886); 8. 70-74 (2,594); 9. 45-49 (2,447); 10. 15-19 (2098)
CDC Links to data:
Providence, RI: Advocates Have Annual Meeting
The Lyme Disease Association’s Advocate dinner held Friday evening October 26 prior to the LDA/Columbia CME conference was well attended with group representation from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Vermont, California and Maine.
You can read more about the meeting and find out how things get done here .
IGeneX Inc. Introduces Newly Developed, Highly Sensitive Tests For Rapid Diagnosis of Bartonella Infections
IGeneX unveiled their newly available Bartonella Western Blots and the Bartonella IgXSpot tests. Per IGeneX, “These new tests are more sensitive, inclusive, and specific than currently available assays and will provide a diagnosis within just a few days.”
On November 27th, the LDA kicks off their end of year “Find a Cure Campaign” by participating in the global #GivingTuesday movement to support research leading to a cure for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. 
Giving Tuesday, held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is a global day of giving that unites the power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.
LDA has a strong record for funding Lyme research that leads to real results. Please join us on Giving Tuesday, make a small contribution, share with family/friends and help support Lyme research to find a cure!
We Value your Hard Earned Money & Will Invest Wisely!
LDA will provide more information closer to the date.
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