Student with Impetus for Tick Stik Partners with Univ. Students on Development

Early Tick Stik Prototype
Early Tick Stik prototype developed by Delaney Dixon and BU students. Final will look different. See pre-order link below.
(photo credit: Lyme Disease Association, Inc.)

HISTORY: Delaney Dixon, a 6th grade Windsor, NY student contracted Lyme disease in 2017 following an undetected tick bite. It took her several years of treatment to recover, and she was experiencing anxiety about being bitten again. This experience inspired Delaney to come up with a device that checks for ticks in hard-to-reach places on the body and removes them.

IDEA FORMS: Delaney began sketching her ideas along with her father, Chris Dixon. They developed a prototype called “Tick Stik,” a retractable wand with a flexible head and an HD camera.  Chris contacted Binghamton University to explore collaboration on the device.  Students at the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering & Applied Science at the University had been assigned capstone projects designed to solve real-world problems as part of their graduation requirements. Seniors Salvatore Mezzatesta, Jung Wok Oh, Justin Adamczak, and advisor, Associate Professor Peter Huang, agreed to further develop the idea.

Participants at Tick Stik Debut at Binghamton University
(Front row L-R) Andy Heininger, LDA Volunteer of the Southern Tier; Professor Peter Huang, Senior Project Advisor at BU; Assemblywoman Lupardo; Delaney Dixon; Jung Wok Oh; Ed Hickey, Congresswoman Tenney’s office; (Back row L-R) Salvatore Mezzatesta; Justin Adamczak
(Photo Credit: Chris Kocher, Binghamton Univ.)

DEVICE DEBUT: Delaney and BU students worked relentlessly on design and implementation throughout the school year. May 6, 2022, the campus unveiling of Tick Stik occurred. The BU students explained the project, their process, and how they got involved followed by a detailed demonstration of the prototype and next steps to production.

The Office of Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, represented by Ed Hickey, acknowledged the students for their outstanding efforts.  NY Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo also recognized the students for their hard work and ingenuity. They both spoke about how each of their families has battled Lyme disease.

WHAT’S NEXT:  A final prototype has been chosen to bring to market — arrangements have been made with a manufacturer for production and initial funding has been raised.  Testing is the next hurdle and will likely be done via a local community Facebook alert.  Neighbors who are bitten will contact the Dixons and will receive a Tick Stik to use.  If this small test works in a real tick bite situation, they will move forward to the production stage.   You can pre-order now on their website and when they are ready to ship the product you will get an email requesting payment.

LDA’s ROLE: Andy Heininger, Southern Tier, representing Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA), read a statement from LDA President Pat Smith on the students’ accomplishments: “The enthusiasm, dedication, and intellect exhibited by this group to solve a problem which can help thousands of people avoid developing Lyme or another tick-borne disease or can lead to an early diagnosis, lends hope for many who spend significant amounts of time in the outdoors for recreation or work. Tick-borne diseases may one day become a scourge of the past.”  LDA provided Certificates of Appreciation & Accomplishments to the students. Informational brochures, and green ribbons representing Lyme Disease Awareness, were provided to all event attendees.

The LDA has a long history of advocacy work in the Southern Tier with Lyme Walk, presentations to schools, public talks at Corning, and informational meetings with legislators. When the LDA learned of Delaney’s Tick Stik idea, the LDA contacted her to see how it could help promote the device. May Lyme Awareness Month is the perfect time as ticks are very prevalent in feeding.  LDA hopes the device will be on the market in the near future.

 “The Lyme Disease Association Inc, (LDA) a national non-profit dedicated to raising funds to educate, to perform research, and to support patients for over 31 years, congratulates all who have had the foresight to be involved in this project, and LDA is pleased as part of its mission to spread the word not only about Tick Stik itself, but also about the fact that creative ideas to help people often come from the grass roots and from our youth, partnering with others to move these ideas into fruition.” – Pat Smith, President, LDA.

NOTE:   NYS Senator Sue Serino awarded Resolution J2633 – Commending Delaney Dixon for her innovative approach to addressing the Lyme and tick-borne disease crisis.

For more information on the Tick Stik visit the following website:

Tick Stik website (pre-order, now)

NOTE: The LDA provides information on products but does not make product recommendations 

Media coverage:

Channel 12, “Binghamton University students complete ‘Tick Stik’ tool”

Channel 12, “Tool invented to prevent tick-borne diseases completed by young engineers”

Twin Tiers, “Southern Tier 6th grader designs ‘Tick Stik’”

Windsor Central School District, “Tick Stik Debut”

Binghamton University – Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science Facebook Page

Congresswoman Tenney Facebook Page

Assemblywoman Lupardo Facebook Page


More information from LDA:

LDA, Pat Smith, Statement

LDA May Awareness Blogs

LDA Informational Brochures

Photo Gallery:  Click on image for description