Press Release LDA/Columbia CME Lyme Conference Oct 2

lda lyme conferenceCONFERENCE COMPLETED Press Release: LDA/Columbia Lyme & Other TBD: Research for a Cure
Virtual, Saturday, October 2, 2021
WATCH Quality Research Studies, Understand new treatment options & Grab improved patient quality of Life!
The conference features faculty consisting of clinicians and researchers from across the US and Canada. It is designed for physicians and researchers, and the public is invited to register.

Virtual Conference Concluded Oct. 2

  • All previously registered attendees  for the conference October 2 have  through October 24 to look at the recorded conference online. If you want to replay the conference, do the following:
    • Log in through the Attendee Hub:
    • Then click on “Video Replay” – click on each session and there is a Replay button.
  • All CME registered attendees, you must log into the Attendee Hub and click on the button for CME evaluation form which you MUST fill out.
    • CME certificates from Columbia University will be automatically sent by end of October. 

Click here for PRESS RELEASE –

or see pdf below (3 pages)

2021_PressRelease Virtual CME Lyme_TBD Conference