Register Now – LDA/Columbia 2010 Scientific Conference October 2nd & 3rd

Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases: The Science & Clinical Implications
Philadelphia, PA / Doctors & Public Invited to Register    REGISTRATION

The Lyme Disease Association, Inc. will hold its 11th annual Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases Conference on Saturday Oct 2 (8-5:30, reception until 7PM) and Sunday October 3 (8:00-1:30) at the Hyatt Penns Landing in Philadelphia, PA. The conference, jointly sponsored by Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, will include the science and also clinical panel sessions.  A maximum of 13.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TMavailable for physicians.

Cost of the conference

  • Non-CME – Regular $175 (by 09/09/10); $195 (after 09/09/10); $210 (if space available, door)
  • CME – Regular $275 (by 09/09/10); $295 (after 09/09/10); $310 (if space available, at door)
A tentative list of speakers for the 1 1/2 day conference follows (click on REGISTRATION above for full details and agenda:



 8:00-8:15 AM        Welcome, Remarks, and Introduction  Patricia Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association  Introduction of: Brian Fallon, MD, Morning Session Facilitator


 8:15-8:55 AM        Madeleine Cunningham, PhD   Keynote Speaker  Impact of Microbes on the Immune System; Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, Director, NIAID supported Immunology Training Program


 8:55-9:30 AM        Diego Cadavid, MD  Borrelia Lipoproteins Can Disseminate from the Periphery to Inflame the Brain; Massachusetts General Hospital,  Consultant in Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases; Biogen Idec, Associate Director of Experimental Neurology


 9:30-10:05 AM      Armin Alaedini, PhD  Immunologic Abnormalities in Patients with a History of Lyme Borreliosis and Persistent Symptoms; Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience 


10:05-10:20 AM                 MORNING BREAK


10:20-10:55 AM     Peter Burbelo, PhD LIPS Antibody Profiling of Lyme Disease; National Institute of Craniofacial Research, NIH, Staff Scientist


10:55-11:30 AM     Benjamin Luft, MD Persistent Infection versus Persistent Disease: A Conundrum; Stonybrook, Professor of Medicine, Chair  Department of Medicine, Chief Division of Infectious Diseases


11:30-12:05 PM     Satish R. Raj, MD  Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Autonomic Nervous System; Vanderbilt  University,  Assistant   Professor, Departments of Medicine & Pharmacology; Vanderbilt Heart & Vascular Institute, Cardiologist


12:05-12:20 PM                 DISCUSSION (morning speakers)


12:20-1:30 PM                   LUNCH BREAK


1:30-2:05 PM         Steven E. Schutzer, MD Polymicrobial Investigations of Tick-Borne Diseases; UMDNJ-NJ Medical School, Professor of Medicine


2:05-2:40 PM         Ellen Stromdahl, MS, BCE  Dr. Ed Masters Memorial Lecture  Know Your Enemy: Reducing the Risk of Tick-Borne Disease Through Knowledge & Understanding of the Tick; US Army Public Health  Command, MD, Entomologist


2:40-3:15 PM         Ed Breitschwerdt, DVM   Bartonellosis: A Hidden Epidemic; Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research,   College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Professor of Medicine


3:15-3:30 PM                     AFTERNOON BREAK


3:30-4:05 PM         Beth Winkelstein, PhD   Glia, Inflammation & Pain; University of Pennsylvania, Associate

                            Professor Dept. of Bioengineering



4:05-4:40 PM         Eugene Shippen, MD Vitamin D, Regulatory Hormone of Immunity and Inflammation− Implications in Chronic Infectious Diseases; Private practice, Shillington, PA, Specializing in Family Practice and Endocrinology


4:40-5:15 PM         Brian Fallon, MD  Dr. John Drulle Memorial Lecture Research Update from the Lyme and Tick-Borne  Diseases  Research Center at Columbia University Medical Center; Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Director Columbia Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center  


5:45-6:45 PM                      NETWORKING RECEPTION


8:00-8:30 AM                      SUNDAY OCTOBER 3     BREAKFAST/EXHIBITS


8:30-9:05 AM         Dirk Elston, MD  Dermatological Manifestations of Infestations and Arthropod-Borne Diseases; Geisinger Medical Center, PA, Director Department of  Dermatology         


9:05- 9:40 AM        Darrin Wiggins, MD  Tick-Borne Diseases in the Emergency Room; Southampton Hospital, NY, Chairman Department of Emergency Medicine


9:40-9:45 AM                     DISCUSSION (morning speakers)


9:45-10:00AM                    BREAK


10:00-11:10 AM     Ernest Visconti, MD   Differential Diagnosis of Tick-Borne Diseases; Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, Director of Infectious Diseases

 Sam T. Donta, MD Antibiotic Decisions in Lyme Disease; Falmouth Hospital Consulting Staff; Professor of Medicine (ret.)  


11:10-12:20 AM     Cheryl Ortel, MD   Women’s Health and Lyme Disease; OB-GYN Private Practice, MD

 James Dillard, MD, DC, LAc  Acupuncture, Herbs, Nutrition & Other Integratative Medicine Approaches  to Managing Chronic Pain;  Clinical Practice, Manhattan & East Hampton, NY


12:20-1:30 PM       Dave Hardesty, MD  The Evaluation of the Patient with Movement Disorders; Columbia University Medical Center, Instructor of Clinical Neurology in Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry

 Ami Katz, MD IV IG and Autonomic Peripheral Neuropathy Yale University, Assistant Professor; Private Practice CT




Before the program, all faculty will disclose the existence of any financial interest and/or other relationship(s) (e.g. employee, consultant, speaker’s bureau, grant recipient, research support, stock ownership or any other special relationship) they might have with a) the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) to be discussed during their presentation and/or b) any commercial contributor to this activity.  When unlabeled uses are discussed, these will also be indicated.


The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts AMA/PRA category 1 credit toward recertification requirements.


The American College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP) and the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) accept AMA/PRA category 1 credit from organizations accredited by the ACCME.


The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons designates this educational activity for a maximum of 13.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.