Tickles Educational Video

The Lyme Disease Association (LDA) and the University of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ — New Jersey Medical School (UMDNJ), partnered to create a fun kids video, TickLES (Tick Learning and Education for Schools), for students in grades 4-8. Acting under the auspices of an Environmental Protection Agency grant, UMDNJ compiled an expert team to develop the video and make it kid friendly and fun! LDA was a project collaborator and is hosting this video and also a video game on its site for use by the public, for free.

This video enables children to understand prevention measures, what a tick is and how to recognize a tick attachment (bite). They will also learn what to do when bitten by a tick and the symptoms of Lyme disease. Since children ages 5-14 are at the greatest risk of acquiring Lyme disease, the LDA feels it is important to educate them to the possibility of tick encounters.

This video is intended for informational purposes only and specific questions should be addressed to tick and medical experts.

Visit our Lyme: Kids & School Section for more info