Lyme Campaign Seeks Participants ‘Resilient’ to Lyme & TBD

Lab Technician working with petri dishesMount Sinai researchers have launched a new app in conjunction with the Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Campaign, a project to identify people who seem to be resistant or resilient to ticks and tick-borne diseases including Lyme disease. The Lyme Campaign is seeking thousands of participants, in an effort to find new prevention or treatment strategies for Lyme and tick-borne diseases.

Below are examples of people the Lyme Campaign is interested in:

    • Individuals with laboratory test results that indicate an exposure to the bacteria that cause Lyme disease (positive Lyme disease blood test), but who have never been treated with antibiotics and lack typical signs and symptoms of the disease.
    • Individuals with high exposure to ticks—such as forestry workers, gardeners, or landscapers—who either experience bite reactions including pain, swelling, and itching, or those who become immune to ticks and are no longer bitten by bugs.

The campaign will be collaborating with Ben Luft, MD, at the Stony Brook University School of Medicine; Uri Laserson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Genetics and Genomics Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; and George Church, PhD, and Ting Wu, PhD, Professors of Genetics at Harvard Medical School.

The Lyme Campaign is the first effort of The Resilience Project, which studies individuals who believe they are resilient to a specific disease or health condition. These are people who seem protected against illness or more able than most to recover. These individuals may have been exposed to a germ or have genetic predisposition for a disease—but lack typical signs or symptoms.

Read the Mount Sinai Press Release

Disclaimer: The Lyme Disease Association Inc. (LDA) provides this information as a public service. LDA does not necessarily endorse any of the studies or recommend participation in any studies. Participants need to review the information on the studies and make their own decisions regarding participation.