Three Die Suddenly from Lyme Carditis

Click here for Update on Lyme Carditis Deaths 10-31-2014

NBCNews Health
by Maggie Fox

Three die suddenly from rare Lyme disease complication

NBC News  Health – One was found dead in a car that veered off the road. Two others collapsed and died suddenly without warning. All three may have been killed by an infection known for causing long-term misery, but not one usually considered a killer — Lyme disease….

Maggie Fox, NBC News

The Boston Globe
by Beth Daley

3 heart cases, deaths tied to Lyme disease – 

Three people in the Northeast who abruptly died in the past 13 months had an undetected heart inflammation caused by Lyme disease, according to a federal study that suggests death from the deer tick-borne bacteria is more common than previously thought….

HeartSpirocheteCDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

CDC – What you need to know about Lyme carditis

Picture to Right: Courtesy of CDC, Center for Disease Control (Spirochetes in heart tissue. Image taken using Warthin-Starry stain at 158X)

CDC provides 4 minute informational video (You’ll need a Medscape login to view it, but it’s free and very easy to register)



HeartBlockPicture & Description – Courtesy of CDC, Center for Disease Control