Support Group Hosts Discussion On Therapeutic Massage for Lyme

Colleen Smith, LMT,  will explore how massage therapy may help alleviate Lyme symptoms, such as muscle aches, joint pain, and headaches.

She will also discuss the overall immune strengthening effects of massage and the potential benefits of manual lymphatic drainage for chronically ill patients. The talk will include a demonstration of simple self-massage techniques. Colleen is a Lyme disease survivor who was so impressed by the healing benefits of massage therapy that she took a career turn to become a practitioner herself.

Lyme Talks and Support Group in Greenwich, Thursday October 3, 7:00pm

Venue: Greenwich Town Hall, 101 Field Point Road, Greenwich, CT

Topic: Massage Therapy for Relief of Lyme Disease Symptoms

Speaker: Colleen Smith, NY Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist

2013 Colleen Smith