Mt. Valley, ME, Lyme Conference Success

About 100 people attended the 3rd annual Mt. Valley Lyme Disease Awareness Conference in the rural Western Central Maine town of Bethel, where the Mt. Valley Lyme Group and generous local businesses who agreed to sponsor the event pulled together the all day event which featured speakers at the Crescent Park School. Maine physician Beatrice M. Szantyr, MD, internal medicine, pediatrics and adolescent medicine, LDA president Pat Smith, Bob Giguere from IGeneX Labs, Bob Maurais, Mainely Ticks and Emily Bracale, author of a book detailing her experiences with Lyme..Representative Sheryl Briggs who sponsored the Lyme bill last year which was passed in Maine was honored at the event as were several local advocates for their work. 

Ms. Smith spoke on the Spread of Lyme disease and the role of the Lyme Disease Association, Inc., a national non-profit. LDA also staffed an exhibit table with handouts and someone to answer questions on site. The event was taped for local public access TV and LDA President Smith and some othe speakers were also intervied for another program.

The day prior to the event,  Ms. Smith was also interviewed on Biddeford, Maine,  Public Access TV about lyme disease and the politics surrounding the disease. More details and a link to the event will be posted on the website soon.

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2014 MtValley BethelMaineConference