Lyme Disease Race Car In Final Top 10

This summer, the Racing Lyme Disease Awareness Car placed first in the "Most Votes" category, and made it into the Final Top 10. The prize was a custom designed NASCAR helmet, which finally arrived. To see photos of the helmet, click here. *

This year’s theme was "Get it Right, Treat the Bite." You can access the website by clicking here. *

* By clicking these links, you are leaving the LDA website.

Description- The super classy Simpson racing helmet looks rather heavy, but actually only weighs about 5 pounds. It is about as big around as a basketball and the metallic paint makes it sparkle in the sun light.

It has a nice padded interior and the tinted sun visor is perfect for keeping down the glare. The custom paint was applied by factory experts and matches the original Racing Lyme Disease Awareness Car design that over 14,000 people voted for during the contest.

After making the publicity rounds, the helmet (valued at $1,200) will be shipped to the office of Dr. Charles Ray Jones in Connecticut for a visit with the many children coming to him for treatment of their Lyme and tick-borne diseases.

A special thanks to all who promoted and voted for the 2011 Racing Lyme Disease Awareness Car that rolled off the assembly line in time for our annual May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month activities. You did an awesome job coming together to raise Lyme disease awareness!