LDA State Legislation & Action Table Updated

phoca thumb l 2002 145The Lyme Disease Association Inc. (LDA) has been working for 28 years to stop the spread of Lyme and TBD and to find a cure for chronic Lyme disease. LDA has educated multi-state officials from legislators to governors to health departments and continues to work with county and local officials who often are looking for ways to control tick-borne diseases in their specific areas, which may be more heavily endemic than the state at large.
LDA has also worked with other Lyme groups across the US in many states to develop, pass, and implement state legislation when other actions have not succeeded. In this table, you can view some legislative efforts across the US and perhaps find ideas to use in your state. Some actions have been successful, some not. Situations vary among states and legislation can be a long and dangerous road to take so embarking on it should be carefully considered.