Fed. Employees: LDA CFC 2012 Eligible

The LDA has been found eligible for inclusion on the National/International Part of the 2012 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Charity List. Each year, federal employees can contribute to charities that meet the requirements of the CFC.  The LDA has been a part of CFC for 7 years running.


 The LDA’s CFC 2012 identification for donors is #11424 and the Lyme Disease Association, Inc. will appear in the listing of National/International Independent Organizations, which is published in each local campaign charity list. See your federal employer for details.  Check the CFC website at: for details about the Combined Federal Campaign.


Thanks to all those volunteers who have helped with our programs nationwide, and a special thanks to those who have been contributing through their workplace CFC to the Lyme Disease Association, Inc. LDA’s administrative and fundraising costs were determined to be 7.9% for 2010, meaning 92.1% went directly to programs.