Alessandra Luchini Recognized With 2023 Outstanding Faculty Award

Alessandra Luchini
Alessandra Luchini, Ph.D., Professor, George Mason University’s Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM)

George Mason University announced on January 16, 2023, via that faculty member, Alessandra Luchini, Ph.D., is one of 12 Virginia educators that have been formally recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) with a 2023 Outstanding Faculty Award. Dr. Luchini is a professor at Mason’s Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM) within the College of Science.

Dr. Luchini is also one of 10 LymeX Innovation Accelerator (LymeX) recipients selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation (Cohen Foundation) Phase 1 LymeX Diagnostics Prize contest created to advance the progress of diagnostics for Lyme disease. Her presentation, Borrelia Derived, Sequence-Specific Novel Diagnostic Peptides – A urine direct test that targets absolutely specific protein molecules and would provide direct information about pathogen activity – received $100,000 and, pending funding, will be invited to take part in a second phase contest.

LDA NOTE: In 2016, Dr. Luchini presented “Nanotechnology and Proteomics: Improved Diagnostics and Therapeutics in the Era of Personalized Medicine” at LDA’s annual conference, Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases: New Strategies to Tackle an Expanding Epidemic Saturday Agenda.

For more information:

Read the announcement on the George Mason University website.

Read more about Dr. Luchini’s LymeX Innovation Accelerator (LymeX) presentation.

Read more about Dr. Luchini’s 2016 presentation at LDA’s annual conference.