Lyme Disease Pathogenesis- A Review

2012 Barthold BbInMouseCropSm
Borrelia burgdorferi in mouse, Photo by Stephen W. Barthold, DVM, PhD

Virulence of Borrelia involves multiple channels for transmission and establishment in multiple tissues, as well as evasion of the host immune responses. The bacteria undergo significant changes in gene expression and multiply and spread once transmitted to the host. These changes induce inflammatory responses that, in humans, result in clinical signs and symptoms of disease. In this review, the authors provide an overview on the ability of Borrelia burgdorferi to infect a host and the factors which decisively affect the nature or outcome of this infection that have been demonstrated in vivo, primarily in mouse models. 

Read the full review article: Lyme Disease Pathogenesis

Jenifer Coburn, Brandon Garcia, Linden T. Hu, Mollie W. Jewett, Peter Kraiczy, Steven J. Norris and Jon Skare Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. (2022) 42: 473-518.