Choukri Ben Mamoun

Patricia V. Smith, BA 2023 Conf.

Keynote Speaker

Professor, Medicine and Microbial Pathogenesis and Pathology
Yale University School of Medicine

New Haven, CT

Human babesiosis


Choukri Ben Mamoun is a Professor of Medicine and Microbial Pathogenesis at Yale School of Medicine. He received his PhD in 1996 at University Paris XI in the field of yeast genetics and cell biology. He then pursued his postdoctoral studies as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Associate at Washington University School of Medicine in the fields of
microbiology and translational medicine discovery before starting his independent research team in 2000. His research at Yale focuses on understanding the mechanisms of survival of protozoan parasites in human red blood cells, developing new model systems to study blood infection and transmission of Plasmodium and Babesia parasites, and discovering new
therapeutic strategies for the treatment of human malaria and babesiosis.


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This 2023 Scientific Conference is supported by independent educational grants from

IGeneX, Inc.