Sample letter & Phone Blurbs


We are on the cusp of a truly monumental time for New York State. Currently there are two bills in both the Assembly and the Senate which will guarantee a person’s right to be treated for Lyme disease and ensure that the physician providing the treatment will be protected. Both bills are essential as we face a staggering increase of this horrendous disease, and a diminishing number of doctors willing or able to treat it.

Your assistance is critically needed to push these bills along. Time is of the essence and it is imperative that you reach out to all of your family and friends in New York to join us in telling our representatives that we SUPPORT the following bills and urge THEM to support the passage of both bills during this legislative session:
A07558 – Physician Protection Bill
A05174 – Insurance Bill

S05520 – Physician Protection Bill
S03478 – Insurance Bill

To view the bills, go to: and enter the number (A07558…).

It has never been easier to reach out to our representatives. Kindly utilize the links below to help you find your representatives and contact them immediately by phone, email or fax.

Locate your Assemblyperson:

Find your Senator (upper left corner):

Here is a sample of what you could use:

Dear Senator or Assemblyperson _____________, (choose correct title)

“…….I myself or someone close to me has been seriously affected by Lyme disease in its various manifestations as well as by other tick-borne co-infections….” <= adjust this to fit your own situation.

“Due to the high numbers of New York State residents who are currently suffering with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, and the compounding problems engendered by the anticipated wave of new Lyme victims who will begin their horrible Lyme journeys this season, I believe that these bills are absolutely necessary to the welfare of this state and its residents, and urge you to stand with us to get them passed. In becoming law, these bills will help so many people in a multitude of ways, and we will be grateful to you, our NYS Legislators, for standing up for us.

I earnestly request you to co-sponsor and vote for passage of each of these bills (A07558 & A05174 or S05520 & S03478).

Your name and address

We also need all NYS Senate and Assembly Health Committee members contacted and our governor. Here is a list of their names: (For their contact information: place mouse over name.)

Sen. Kemp Hannon

Eric Adams

Contact NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo at:

Choose legislation in the drop down box and include bill numbers in the comment box

A07558 S05520 – Physician Protection Bill
A05174 / S03478 – Insurance Bill

TOGETHER we will be making New York a better place to live.
Thank you so much for helping with this!

Ira and Jill Auerbach,
Hudson Valley Lyme Disease Association

Kenneth Liegner, MD