Testimonies to Kansas Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Several Lyme disease advocates in Kansas have been working for several years with Kansas Senator Carolyn McGinn on a draft of a bill to protect doctors who treat Lyme disease with long-term antibiotics. Senator McGinn asked the head of the Kansas Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare to hold a hearing on Lyme disease, and Lyme disease advocates were invited to give testimony. The hearing took place on March 20, 2018.

Sen. McGinn gave the first speech. Kathy White, Peggy Blumhagen, and her daughter Veronica Blumhagen spoke about the problems Lyme disease patients face in Kansas. This was an informational hearing in preparation for introducing a bill next year which would enable patients in Kansas to receive long-term antibiotic treatment if needed.

The testimonies can still be heard at

Click here for Written Testimony of Kathy White, Kansas City Lyme Association