Rhode Island Lyme Resolution Passed by Senate

The RI Resolution S0711  introduced by Senator Stephen Archambault (RI 22-D), which was amended on the floor, requests the RI Department of Health to increase public awareness of Lyme activities that expose people to ticks, educate on symptoms of Lyme and importance of early detection, and to update physician protocols with regard to early detection and treatment.

The resolution notes that delayed treatment can lead to more severe and persistent symptoms that are more difficult to treat. It points out Chapter 37.5 of title 5 provides for insurance coverage for the treatment of Lyme disease. This is in reference to a law that the Lyme Disease Association Inc. worked on in Rhode Island with the newly formed Lyme Disease Association Rhode Island Chapter to achieve its passage in 2004.

No mention was made of the law the Lyme Disease Association and Rhode Island  advocates had gotten passed in 2002 preventing the RI Medical Board from prosecuting physicians for long term treatment.

The newly passed Resolution is now in effect.

2021- S0711 as amended (PDF)

See info on steps in passage of Resolution