Lyme Bill (HR 2557) Text & Summary 2011-12

Learn what the Lyme disease bill is about, then share the information with your federal legislators and encourage them to get involved!

 HR 2557



“To Provide For the Establishment of the Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee”




HR 2557 Bill Text



  • Sponsor:  Christopher Smith (NJ)
  • Original co-sponsors:  Tim Holden (PA), Bart Stupak (MI), Frank Wolf (VA)



  • Establish Advisory Committee
    •  Purpose
      • Communication among government agencies & constituency groups (including patient groups) that deal with Lyme disease policies
      • Advise agencies on priorities concerning tick-borne diseases
      • Minimize overlap of activities
      • Ensure broad spectrum scientific viewpoint represented in public health policies
      • Advise Health & Human Services (HHS) concerning ongoing activities and what needs to be accomplished
    •  Duties/Responsibilities
      • Committee meetings
        • shall be public
        • meet 2 times per year or more
        • keep records
      • Committee
        • submit detailed reports to HHS Secretary
      • HHS Secretary
        • shall report on meetings to Congress & include
          • committee function, members, activities in the recent year, and issues regarding functioning of committee
    • Members
      • HHS Secretary ensures committee diversity & broad viewpoints
        • Doctors, Scientists from broad spectrum of viewpoints
        • Patients, Volunteer Organizations
        • Government members – non-voting