2015 Combined Federal Campaign

Federal Employees: LDA CFC Eligible  GOOD  NEWS for Lyme disease!

The LDA has been found eligible for inclusion on the National Part of the 2015 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Charity list. Each year, federal employees can contribute to charities that meet the requirements of the CFC. The LDA must demonstrate it provides services in 15 states to be part of this program and is the only Lyme charity that has been selected for inclusion.   

The LDA’s CFC 2015 identification for donors is #11424 and Lyme Disease Association, Inc. will appear in the listing of National/International Independent Organizations which is published in each local campaign charity list. See your federal employer for details.

Check the CFC website at:

LDA also has made the 2006 – 2015 CFC campaigns and thanks to all those who have been contributing.