NCDHHS Offers Information on Monoclonal Antibodies for Treatment of COVID-19

NC Department of Health and Human Services has offered information advising how patients can locate services for monoclonal antibodies treatment for COVID-19 infections.

The NCDHHS website states, “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to allow the use of monoclonal antibody therapies for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in certain high-risk patients. All high-risk adults and high-risk youth ages 12-17 who weigh at least 88 pounds may be eligible for treatment.

 “While vaccines provide the best protection from COVID-19, treatment options such as Monoclonal Antibodies are available if you have had symptoms of COVID-19 for 10 days or less or have been exposed to COVID-19. If taken early, they can reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Ask your doctor about Monoclonal Antibodies or call the Combat COVID Monoclonal Antibodies Call Center at 1-877-332-6585 (English) or 1-877-366-0310 (Spanish).”

Visit the NCDHHS website for more information.