Lyme Disease Symptoms & Signs

Lyme disease symptoms can affect any system in the body and can mimic symptoms of many different diseases.

Lyme disease symptoms

Lyme Disease Symptoms Compiled by the LDA

As listed in the LDA LymeR Primer Available for online ordering

As listed in the LDA Spanish LymeR Primer Available for Downloading

Click dropdown arrows for symptoms

Lyme Disease Symptoms Compiled by the LDA

As listed in the LDA LymeR Primer Available for online ordering

As listed in the LDA Spanish LymeR Primer Available for Downloading

Click dropdown arrows for symptoms

Lyme disease symptoms
Lyme disease symptoms


Lyme disease symptoms

Lyme Rash

Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Lyme Disease


Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Lyme Disease


Neurological lyme disease






Lyme disease symptoms

Other Symptoms

Lyme Transmission

Lyme Transmission

Lyme disease symptoms

Lyme from Borrelia mayonii
Another strain of Borrelia that causes Lyme

Early symptoms: fever, headaches, rash, neck pain Later: arthritis. Difference from Borrelia burgdorferi may include nausea & vomiting, diffuse rashes, higher concentration of bacteria in blood

Symptoms reviewed by Elizabeth Maloney, MD; President, Partnership for Tick-Borne Diseases Education

Other Tick-Borne Diseases & Conditions:

Patients may also contract other tick-borne diseases (co-infections) from a tick bite along with Lyme disease.

Visit LDA website Other Tick-Borne Diseases page

Other Resources for Lyme Disease Symptoms:

Columbia Lyme Rash Poster

Dr. Joseph Burrascano’s 2005 Lyme Disease Symptom List Chart

“En Espanol Enfermedad De Lyme”  Spanish Patient Intake, Printable PDF

LDA Cardiac (Heart) Poster

LDA Lyme Disease Medical Photos  Including Rashes

LDA LymeLiteracy  LDA President’s Blog

LDA “LymeR Primer™” Detailed LDA Printable Brochure

En Española – “LymeR Primer™”  Folleto de SensibilizaciĂłn

ILADS Treatment Guidelines International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society

Columbia Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center – Treatment Page Columbia University, Irving Medical Center

© LDA. 2015, 2016, 2020. This website provides practical and useful information on the subject matters covered. It is distributed with the understanding that LDA is not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services. Seek professional services if necessary.

Originally Published on: Nov 14, 2009