Cardiac (Heart) Manifestations of Lyme & TBD – Updated Poster

Click here for an updated Cardiac Manifestations of Lyme Poster for your use. (PDF)

LDA Heart Poster Small JPEG Not for Print smThe LDA has developed this Cardiac Manifestations of Lyme Poster for your use. You may download it for free and print it out or have it copied at Staples or another office supply store as a large poster for educational use. It must be copied in its entirety. You may NOT sell any material produced from this work. Stores may require a letter from LDA to copy it. Email [email protected] for the document.

At the LDA/Columbia University 17th Annual CME Lyme Conference on Oct. 15 & 16th, Dr. Elizabeth Maloney presented a cardiac Lyme case and then moved to a broader discussion of Lyme carditis. Dr. Maloney’s presentation traced the evolution of the patient’s clinical picture from multiple erythema migrans lesions to third degree heart block. Click here for Dr. Maloney’s Bio and Talk Summary.