LDA’s Lyme Disease in Pets Printable Fact Sheet

• Dogs, cats, horses & cows can contract Lyme & other tick-borne diseases & can be tested.

• Dogs act as sentinels for Lyme disease.

  The disease is often recognized in dogs before it’s recognized in humans.

• Dogs are 50% more likely to get Lyme disease than people.

• Lyme disease symptoms in dogs:

  Lameness, fever, lethargy, swollen joints, enlarged lymph nodes & loss of appetite.

• Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis, also tick-borne diseases, are on the rise in dogs in the USA.

• Dogs tend to roll in leaves & run unchecked into tick habitats.

  alt   “Rocky at Work”

• Children and their dogs & cats often play together. Increasing the exposure of children to ticks.

• Dogs can bring ticks into homes thus into close proximity to people.

• Cats can get Lyme disease, too.  

• Lyme disease symptoms in cats:

  Lameness (may shift leg to leg) stiffness, pain, fever, decreased appetite & lethargy.

• Talk to your vet about protecting your animals from tick-borne diseases.

  Protecting your pet helps to reduce tick exposure of your human family, too!

• Do a daily Tick Check on all pets as well as family members.  

• Remove ticks from pets with the same care as used for humans. Learn how to correctly remove a tick..


*This material is presented to provide practical and useful information on the subject matter covered. It is being presented with the understanding that the LDA is not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services. If medical or other expert assistance is required for your pets, the services of a licensed Veterinarian should be sought.

alt Click here for pdf printable version of Pet Fact Sheet