CDC Surveillance for Lyme Disease – US

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) includes Lyme disease as a reportable notifiable disease, by region and reporting area – United States and U.S. territories.  Cases are reported by state health departments to CDC weekly. Because source datasets may be updated as additional information is received, statistics in publications based on that source data may differ from what is presented in these tables.

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 2016

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 2008–2015

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 1992–2006

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 2003-2005

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 2001-2002

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 2000

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 1999

Surveillance for Lyme Disease — US 1992-1998