LDA Inservices PA School Nurses on Lyme & TBD

The LDA President Pat Smith presented a webinar to school nurses in the Souderton Pennsylvania School District on May 16, 2023. The 75-minute PowerPoint presentation included an overview of Lyme and the other tick-borne diseases in the US. Included was the geographic spread of Lyme, the statistics, other tick-borne diseases with causes, symptoms, treatment & testing availability, and the ticks that carry the diseases with maps of their ranges. Additionally, she spoke about prevention, Lyme in pets, treatment guidelines, chronic Lyme and research and legislation. A segment also included effects of Lyme on school children and what steps can schools take to help students with Lyme disease based on her experience as a child advocate in the schools for students with Lyme for several decades.

For More Information:

PA Souderton School District 2023 Inservice to School Nurses

LDA’s Lyme: Kids & Schools

LDA LymeAid 4 Kids Grant