New Lyme Research Opportunity: HHS Launches $10M LymeX Diagnostics Prize

HHS and the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation have launched Phase 1 of the LymeX Diagnostics Prize, a $10 million competition to accelerate the development of Lyme disease diagnostics. Phase 1 calls on scientific, technical, and clinical experts to submit innovative methods for detecting active Lyme disease infections in people.

We’re getting the word out to experts across sectors such as vector-borne disease biology and clinical and technology translation, and wanted to make sure you were aware of this opportunity. Will you help us spread the word?

There are a few ways you can help: 

  1. Forward this post to your network. 
  2. Share on your organization’s digital channels. We’ve included a sample tweet below, and you can download our full communications toolkit for additional social media, newsletter, web messaging, and graphics. 
  3. Retweet posts from @Lyme_X or share your own: 

Just launched: $10 million #LymeXDiagnosticsPrize calls on experts in disease biology, #diagnostics, #medtech, and more. Learn more about submitting a concept for detecting active #Lymedisease infections — Phase 1 submissions are due by August 8: #lyme

LymeX Diagnostics Prize quick facts

  • Seeks concept papers for development of innovative detection methods. Entrants should describe proposed solutions and scientifically rigorous rationales for success, including ambitious but achievable roadmaps for prototyping, iteration, testing and validation, and evaluation.

  • Will award $1 million in Phase 1. Up to 10 Phase 1 winners will receive an equal share of the $1 million Phase 1 prize pool and be exclusively invited to participate in a planned Phase 2.
  • Phase 1 submissions are due by 4:59 p.m. ET on August 8, 2022. See the submission form.

links from above:

LymeX Diagnostics Prize