2005 LDA/Columbia Medical Conference – Video Clips

2005 LDA/Columbia University 2005 Lyme & Other Tick-borne Diseases 
The links below are video clips from the LDA/Columbia University medical conference, Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases: Emerging Tick-Borne Diseases, 2005, held in Philadelphia. Brian Fallon, MD, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons is the session chair providing introductions.

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Ehrlichiosis – Gregory Storch, MD
Unique Dermstologic Manifestations of Tick-Borne Diseases – Martin Fried, MD
STARI – AKA Master’s Disease – Ed Masters
Bartonella: A Clinicians’s Viewpoint – Joseph Burrascano, MD


Like what you saw? A full set of (2) DVD’s of the conference including these clips and the separate Bartonella DVD are available for purchase.

2005 LDA/Columbia University 2005 Lyme & Other Tick-borne Diseases

Bartonella DVD