Ceremonial signing for the bill, HB 6200

 LDA Salutes the Connecticut Legislators for the New "Lyme" Doctor Protection Law. Thank You!


Photo_2009_HB6200_003.jpg (41329 bytes)"Beneath the rule of men entirely great, The pen is mightier than the sword." (Bulwer-Lytton) 

Governor M. Jodi Rell signs HB 6200 into law in a ceremony on July 16, 2009 in Brookfield, Connecticut.
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Photo_2009_HB6200_001.jpg (50618 bytes)LDA President Pat Smith with Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell (C) and Emily Bragg, Time for Lyme Board Member (R), at the Lyme doctor protection bill signing ceremony in Brookfield CT, June 16. This was a ceremonial signing for the bill, HB 6200,  which became law July 1. The law allows clinical judgment in diagnosis and treatment for Lyme disease. LDA and its Connecticut partner groups were instrumental in the passage of the bill.

View bill signing photo album.

                                                                                                                                                                            Photo_2009_HB6200_005.jpg (61221 bytes)Connecticut House Bill 6200 sponsor Peggy Reeves (R to L); Russ Cornelius, a founder of the Brookfield Lyme Task Force; Kim Fawcett, bill sponsor; Pat Smith, LDA President; Chris Lyddy, a sponsor; Emily Bragg, Time for Lyme; Jennifer Reid, Co-chair of the Ridgefield Task Force; and other advocates at the ceremonial bill signing in Connecticut. LDA worked with many legislators in Hartford including those pictured. 
View bill signing photo album.