The Opposite of Fate by Amy Tan

OppositeOfFate AmyTanIn one of the chapters of her book, The Opposite of Fate, Amy Tan chronicles her battle with neurologic Lyme disease, which even top doctors in their fields could not properly diagnose. For more information on her journey with Lyme disease, go to  Amy Tan has touched millions of readers with haunting and sympathetic novels of cultural complexity and profound empathy. With the same spirit and humor that characterize her acclaimed novels, she now shares her insight into her own life and how she escaped the curses of her past to make a future of her own. For Amy Tan’s work with the LDA, click here  Amy Tan serves on the LDA’s Honorary Board of Directors.

Opposite Of Fate Amy TanIn one of the chapters of her book, The Opposite of Fate, Amy Tan chronicles her battle with neurologic Lyme disease, which even top doctors in their fields could not properly diagnose.

For more information on her journey with Lyme disease, go to

For Amy Tan’s work with the LDA, click here

Amy Tan serves on the LDA’s Honorary Board of Directors

From Amy Tan has touched millions of readers with haunting and sympathetic novels of cultural complexity and profound empathy. With the same spirit and humor that characterize her acclaimed novels, she now shares her insight into her own life and how she escaped the curses of her past to make a future of her own. She takes us on a journey from her childhood of tragedy and comedy to the present day and her arrival as one of the world’s best-loved novelists. Whether recalling arguments with her mother in suburban California or introducing us to the ghosts that inhabit her computer, The Opposite of Fate offers vivid portraits of choices, attitudes, charms, and luck in action–a refreshing antidote to the world-weariness and uncertainties we all face today. Amy Tan Pat Smith Columbia Lyme Disease Association conferenceAuthor, Amy Tan & LDA President, Pat Smith at the Lyme Disease Association/Columbia Conference 2008 in San Francisco, California