URGENT: Your Help Needed for Inspector General Investigation

TO: Lyme Disease Advocates & Patients ActNow FROM: Lyme Disease Association, Inc. Pat Smith, President, 8-15-19 RE: Urgent & Immediate Help Needed to Investigate Information Which Could Lead to Helping to Solve Tick-Borne Diseases Problem ISSUE: The debate over the prevalence of Lyme disease and whether it exists in a chronic form has raged for decades. Kris Newby’s well-researched book, “Bitten,” provides documented evidence that the properties of the Lyme pathogen itself and its ally, the tick, appear to be part of our nation’s biowarfare studies. The suspicions of disease sufferers, their advocates, and treating physicians deserve investigation.

WHAT GOOD WOULD AN INVESTIGATION DO? Results of an investigation could possibly:
  • Change how tick-borne diseases are viewed.
  • Change attitudes about patients.
  • Have an impact on treatments.
  • Have an impact on tick control.
  • Lead to increased federal funding.

BACKGROUND: Swiss-American scientist Willy Burgdorfer is acclaimed for identifying the spirochetal bacteria which causes Lyme disease. Indeed, the pathogen bears his name, Borrelia burgdorferi. Yet, as the author discloses through filmed interviews and archival reviews, there were other aspects to Willy’s research. Employed by the US government and headquartered at Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Burgdorfer was enmeshed in biological warfare projects.  Ms. Newby discusses his work in Switzerland for the American government which led to the identification of a new strain of Rickettsia, a pathogen, if crossed with Borrelia, might well complicate treatment and thus be a candidate for biowarfare.  Interviews by Ms. Newby with American researchers on the topic of the Rickettsia, dubbed “the Swiss agent” by Dr. Burgdorfer, did not shed any light on the mystery pathogen whose existence seems to be buried in the past. Ms. Newby’s discovery of tick drops and the experimental release of ticks document ongoing biowarfare research and questions the consequences if studies go awry. The prevalence of new diseases and the expansion of tick territories are examined in the context of newly revealed government studies. CONGRESSIONAL ACTION TAKEN TO DATE: The Lyme Disease Association has kept Congressman Christopher H. Smith (NJ) apprised of Lyme disease developments over the decades including the release of the book, “Bitten,” and provided him with a pre-released copy along with our grave concerns that the quality of material and level of research merited immediate action. He read the book and took action that included educating as many in Congress as possible, which culminated with the US House of Representatives voting July 11, 2019, to pass Smith’s Amendment #355 to the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020 (HR 2500), directing the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to “conduct a review of whether the Department of Defense experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as a biological weapon between the years of 1950 and 1975. HR2500, as amended, passed the House on July 12, 2019. View Amendment #355 View Congressman Smith’s Floor Speech on the Amendment WHO OPPOSES AN INVESTIGATION TO UNCOVER THE TRUTH?: The same entities who claim there is no scientific evidence to support chronic Lyme claim— with little or no evidence— that this is a conspiracy theory perpetuated by advocates and patients. Most of them are the same individuals who have distorted information about the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. They have debunked chronic Lyme disease for decades, despite a vast amount of new research evidence from prestigious institutions on the topic of persistent infection with the Borrelia bacteria after treatment. Like their specious arguments against chronic disease, these critics do not acknowledge nor present any verified opposition to the documents chronicled meticulously by Ms. Newby over five years of visits to the government archives, the Burgdorfer home−including interviews with Dr. Burgdorfer himself, and other places where Dr. Burgdorfer gave some records he did not want the government to have.

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Here’s What To Do & Say: Contact the Senators offices as explained in STEPS listed below *Let them know you want him/her to support the Smith Amendment #355 to the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA) which requires the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to investigate a possible US biowarfare program involving ticks and other insects that may have contributed to the spread of tick-borne diseases. *Tell them that the public has a right to know if there was such a bioweapons program and a right to be provided with the details on what, where, and when these weaponized organisms may have been released on an unsuspecting public. *Explain that there may be information which could help in the fight of tick-borne diseases today, when about 427,000 cases of Lyme disease occurred in 2017 in the US according to the CDC, and about 20 tick-borne diseases and conditions are now found in the US. Thank him/her. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. 

  URGENT! ACTIONS FOR YOU TO TAKE NOW: Congress is on recess and many Members are back in their home districts. STEPS: Look at the US Senate Armed Services Committee Table Below

1. If there is a Member who is a US Senator from your state

  • Call his/her state office (number in table below) to get a personal meeting with him/her while they are home in-state.


  • If you cannot get a personal in-state meeting with your Senator
      • Set up a meeting with a local office staff member and ask them to teleconference in the appropriate staff member from the Washington, DC office to your meeting.


  • If you cannot meet with your Senator’s office in-state, call them at the DC office number (in the table below)

After completing the above, please call as many of the remaining offices as possible at the DC number (in the table below). Skip #2.


2. If there is NOT a member from your state

  • Please call as many Armed Services Committee members on the list below, as possible at their DC office number. Ask for whoever is responsible for the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA) in that office. The more Senators we contact, the better chance we have of getting an investigation.


Tips for How to Contact U.S. Senators

  • A telephone call usually has the most impact. When addressing your U.S. Senator, always refer to them as “Senator (Name)” or “The Honorable (Name)”.
  • When emailing, use the same formality as you would when writing a letter. 
  • When addressing an envelope or letter, always refer to your legislator as “The Honorable (Name)”. For the salutation, write: “Dear Senator (Name),” so your message doesn’t look like junk mail (referenced from
    • Example:
        • The Honorable (Senator’s Name)  United States Senate  Washington, D.C. 20510 
  • If your senator is the chairman or ranking member of a committee, type the full title under the senator’s name in the address block. Committee position information is included in the table below. 
  • For more information on how to contact U.S. Senators, visit OR
  • If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

    MEMBERS of SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE See above TIPS on how to contact your Senator.

NamePRT-STCommittee PositionDC Office Ph # State Office Ph #Email/Form Contact LinkWebsite
James InhofeR-OKChair, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-4721(918) 748-5111
Jack ReedD-RIRanking Member, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-4642(401) 528-5200
Roger F. WickerR-MSMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-6253(601) 965-4644
Deb FischerR-NEMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-6551(402) 441-4600
Tom Cotton R-ARMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-2353(479) 751-0879
Mike RoundsR-SDMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-5842(605) 224-1450
Joni ErnstR-IAMember, Senate Armed Services (202) 224-3254(515) 284-4574
Thom Tillis R-NCMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-6342(919) 856-4630
Dan SullivanR-AKMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-3004(907) 271-5915
David PerdueR-GAMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-3521(404) 865-0087
Kevin CramerR-NDMember, Senate Armed Services202-224-2043701-232-5094
Martha McSallyR-AZMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-2235(602) 952-2410
Rick ScottR-FLMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-5274(850) 942-8415
Marsha BlackburnR-TNMember, Senate Armed Services202-224-3344865-540-3781
Josh HawleyR-MOMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-6154(816) 960-4694
Jeanne ShaheenD-NHMember, Senate Armed Services (202) 224-2841(603) 750-3004
Kirsten E. GillibrandD-NYMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-4451(518) 431-0120
Richard BlumenthalD-CTMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-2823(860) 258-6940
Mazie K. HironoD-HIMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-6361(808) 522-8970
Tim KaineD-VAMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-4024(804) 771-2221
Angus King D-MEMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-5344(207) 622-8292
Martin HeinrichD-NMMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-5521(505) 346-6601
Elizabeth WarrenD-MAMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-4543(617) 565-3170
Gary C. PetersD-MIMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-6221 (313) 226-6020
Joe Manchin D-WVMember, Senate Armed Services202-224-3954304-342-5855
Tammy DuckworthD-ILMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-2854(312) 886-3506
Doug Jones D-ALMember, Senate Armed Services(202) 224-4124(334) 230-0698