Sexual Transmission of Lyme: Possible?

The new study by Middelveen, Mayne, Stricker, Sapi, et al, certainly further scientifically advances the idea that it is possible Lyme disease could be sexually transmitted. The LDA looks forward to more studies from this group to provide more data to definitively answer this question. If Lyme is found to be an STD, that will elevate its “importance” in the disease world and should logically generate much more government funding on Lyme disease. (

Around the turn of the century, LDA provided two small grants for research showing that the DNA of the spirochete was found in semen and vaginal secretions  Dr. Greg Bach presented his study at the American Psychiatric Association  in Nov. 2000 and it was mentioned in Alternative Medicine (May 2001). He confirmed finding Bb DNA is semen. He also presented a poster on the study at the Lyme Disease Foundation conference in April 2001   See #3 at this link /index.php/grants/research-grants/1270-conference-presentations-from-lda-funding

Dr. Andrea Gaito’s study “Isolation of Lyme Spirochetes in Cervical Tissue in Women Seropositive for Lyme Disease” found that 50% of those who were seropositive for Lyme had positive PCR samples versus none of the controls. See #61 at this link /index.php/grants-awarded-by-lda/research-grants/lda-awards-95-research-grants-since-1992

Neither study was proof of sexual transmission in Lyme disease, but it was perplexing that no investigations were being done by the government in this area when doctors had found these kinds of results in preliminary work.