Immediate Action Needed on House Bill

Alert! Immediate Action Needed on House Bill Vote, May Be Early as Tomorrow (Tuesday) in DC

The Lyme bill, H.R. 4701 – Vector-Borne Disease Research Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (Sponsored by Rep. Chris Gibson / Energy and Commerce Committee), will go for a vote before the US House of Representatives somewhere between Tuesday, Sept. 9, and Thursday, September 11.

Primary Action to take

Click here for a link to find your own Congressman

Please call/fax/email your own US Congressman/woman RIGHT NOW and say:

Please support H.R. 4701 – Vector-Borne Disease Research Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 that is before the House. Thank you.

If you want to take further action

Find all (or some other) Congressmen in your own state and contact them with the same message find your state delegation

If you want further information on this bill*

Click here for further bill information

*Minor changes were made to the bill after the July mark-up in committee. This is the link to latest (Sept. 5, 2014) version of bill: