Tick-Borne Diseases Lead Vector-Borne Cases in Military Between 2010-2022

Tick-borne (Stidham, R.A., et al.) 01.01.2024, published, “Brief Report: The Four Most Frequently Diagnosed Vector-borne Diseases Among Service Member and Non-Service Member Beneficiaries in the Geographic Combatant Commands, 2010–2022.” Confirmed, probable, and suspect cases of Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), malaria, and dengue fever were identified in 5,199 service members and non-service member beneficiaries from January 2010 through December 31, 2022.  More cases were reported in non-service member beneficiaries (2,918), than in service members (2,343). 

Of the four reported vector-borne diseases, Lyme and RMSF (tick-borne diseases) comprised 83% of all cases. Lyme disease was responsible for the largest proportion of reported medical events in this report, with 43% of service members and non-service beneficiaries diagnosed at military bases in New England.

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