Breaking Lyme News! Today

July 29–The Lyme Disease Association is pleased to announce that Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-4) has been successful in have 2 bipartisan amendments to increase Lyme disease funding by $8 M pass the House today. The Amendments are part of the House consideration of Labor HHS and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

One amendment enables the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) to redirect funds from one of its accounts to its CDC’s Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Disease account for Lyme disease activities.  The other directs the  Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to spend $5 million of its funding on the LymeX Innovation Accelerator—a new public-private partnership with the Steven & Alexander Cohen Foundation which would spur innovative research through a prize competition. The Lyme disease amendments were co-sponsored by a group of bipartisan Lyme Caucus members. 

Congressman Smith also had $10 M increase in autism funding pass the House today.

Next stop Senate

Language to enhance research for Lyme disease research which was supported by bipartisan members of the Lyme caucus was also contained in the Report language of the HHS Labor Appropriations more than a week ago. The Lyme Disease Association Inc. had input into the development of that language.