Ticks Out in the Ozarks

Ticks Out in the OzarksKY3 News, Nick Kelly, 03.12.2024, published online, “Ticks already back in action across the Ozarks: Medical & veterinary experts urging people to stay proactive.” According to Kelly, both veterinarians and medical care personnel in Missouri are reporting a recent increase of tick activity in the Ozarks, caused by mild winter weather. This mild winter weather is demonstrated by Springfield, MO experiencing the seventh-warmest December on record, and February 2024 being the second-warmest on record.

Experts urge increased awareness and prevention practices for tick-bites for both people and their pets to avoid exposure to many tick-borne diseases and conditions (Alpha-gal red meat allergy) across the Ozarks. The Missouri Department of Conservation information about common ticks in the Ozarks can be found here.

For More Information:

Read the KY3 News Article

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