PA Legislation: Combats Long Term Effects of Lyme & Other TBD’s

Deer tick on leaf
Blacklegged Deer Tick (Ixodes scapularis)

In late June, PA State Senate passed Michele Brooks (PA-50) legislation regarding ticks and the diseases they transmit, such as Lyme.

According to Brooks, “Senate Bill 1188 seeks to combat the long-term effects of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases by promoting education and awareness among health care professionals, providing coverage for diagnostic testing and treatment, and improving public awareness about tick bite prevention practices that can reduce the incidence and prevalence of ticks in this Commonwealth.”

“Additionally, this legislation requires the Department of Health to work with the Tick Research Lab of Pennsylvania at East Stroudsburg University to develop an electronic database for use by the Lab, the department, and health care professionals.”

The CDC reported Lyme disease cases in PA continue to rise, with approx. 9,000 confirmed and probable cases in 2019 and an incidence rate of 52.8. Millions of taxpayer funds have been spent on preventing Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Brooks is frustrated with how little has been done thus far and believes this legislation will move prevention, education, and awareness efforts in the right direction.

Click here for full article:  Times Observer, Brooks’ Lyme Disease bill passes Senate