LDA/Columbia Lyme Conf: Register Now Before Price Increase/Chronic Lyme Expert Panel Discussion

September 13, 2017
Conference Rates Increase Beginning 9/22!
At the door registration is limited by space – Conference could sell out
REGISTER NOW! Take advantage of lower conference rates by 11:59pm EST Thursday 9/21
LDA/Columbia 18th Annual Lyme CME Conference
Lyme & Tick-Borne Diseases: What Clinicians Need to Know about an Expanding Epidemic Sept 23-24, 2017
Hilton Penns Landing, Phila., PA. Hotel info (click here)
Looking for the real facts on Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases− what’s happening with coinfections such as Powassan, B. miyamotoi and with Bartonella? What’s new with rickettsial diseases and with tick bite causing meat allergy? Why do Lyme patients often have low blood pressure–how does Lyme affect the heart, breathing, and digestive process when the autonomic nervous system is disrupted? Can Lyme cause optic neuritis? How does inflammation from Lyme affect the brain and how can it be treated? Biofilms and persisters, what are they and are they causing chronic Lyme disease? What are some prevention strategies and have we learned new information from big data?
The conference is designed for doctors, nurses and researchers. Those who register for CMEs and CNE’s may receive credit, and the public is also invited to register. An included reception will enable conference attendees to network with the conference faculty. 
Thanks to support from the Steven & Alexandra Foundation and IGeneX Labs for this conference.
LDA/Columbai 2017 Conference Faculty
Click here for Printable Conference Flyer
Pre-Lyme Conference Video (3 min.) Click Above
Contagion® Peer Exchange® Panel Discussion Focusing on Lyme 
The entire Contagion® Peer Exchange® Panel discussion on Lyme is now available for viewing!
Why Are We At Odds Over Lyme Disease? Exploring the Impact and Controversy
Panel discussion on Lyme disease with top medical professionals and experts in the field
Panelists: Peter L. Salgo, MD; Robert C. Bransfield, MD, DLFAPA; Samuel Shor, MD, FACP; Leonard Sigal, MD; Patricia V. Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association
Read Contagion newsletter on the panel discussion
Note: The video below is one of thirteen segments from the Panel on Chronic Lyme disease.
Click a link above to watch all segments
Click below to watch Reaching a Consensus in Lyme Disease segment
Quote below is from the Reaching a Consensus in Lyme Disease segment:
“I was just going to say that, over the years, many times, we have asked to have more dialogue. We’ve contacted the IDSA, we’ve tried to sit down with them. We actually had them at our LDA Columbia CME Conference several years ago. It was the first time they were on the same stage. Believe it or not, we’ve advocated for that for decades, to get people together to have a discussion. But, unfortunately, there’s been unwillingness, and I was very happy that Dr. Sigal agreed to come in today and sit at the same table as us, because it doesn’t happen very often.”Patricia V. Smith, LDA President
The Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) is pleased to announce an informative series of interviews on the topic of Lyme & other tick-borne diseases, created by Contagion®.  LDA’s President, Pat Smith, was invited to join with a panel of top medical professionals to debate and exchange information. Panelists include Peter L. Salgo, MD; Robert C. Bransfield, MD, DLFAPA; Samuel Shor, MD, FACP; Leonard Sigal, MD, and Patricia V. Smith. 
These videos provide an overview of Lyme disease, discuss the geographical spread that has occurred over the past several years and some of the reasons why it may be underdiagnosed.
Video Content
Why Are We at Odds Over Lyme Disease? Exploring the Impact and Controversy 
• Improving Care in Lyme Disease
• Reaching a Consensus in Lyme Disease
• Lyme Disease & Long-Term Antibiotics: Help or Harm?
• Research Challenges in Lyme Disease
• Exploring Controversies in Lyme Disease
• Lyme Disease: Theories for Longer-Term Manifestations 
• Trials and Tribulations of a Diagnosis for Lyme Disease 
• Emerging Tests for Lyme Disease 
• Challenges in Making a Lyme Disease Diagnosis 
• Reliability of Lab Testing for Lyme Disease 
• Early Vs. Late Lyme Disease Symptoms
• Who Gets It? 
• Understanding Lyme Disease and Where It’s Found
Contagion Video Segments
Click here for 9 educational video segments produced by Contagion®Live featuring LDA President, Pat Smith. 
Is the Medical Community Behind the Times When It Comes to Treating Lyme? by Pat Smith, published in Contagion®Live Click here
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