New Lyme Culture Test Booth at LDA Conf.

According to a press release by Advanced Laboratory Services Inc., it is now able to offer a new Lyme culture test. Visit their website at

As stated by Dr. Joseph Burrascano, Jr, Researched Nutritionals, in a letter dated September 5, 2011, “In my work as a consultant, I have been working with a private lab located near Philadelphia, Advanced Laboratories, Inc. They wanted to develop a unique and high value test, and, with my interest in Lyme, I naturally encouraged them to work on a better Lyme Disease test.” He discussed details of the new test, a few issues regarding ordering and submitting the test kits and his advice to physicians.

Stop by their booth at the LDA conference and find out more about this new test, Borrelia Culture!

** Do not contact LDA for further information on this test. This is provided for informational purposes only.  LDA does not make recommendations regarding services listed nor does it endorse them.  LDA is not affilated with this organization.