LymeX Diagnostics Prize: 6 Teams Advance to Phase 3

LymeX logoLymeX Diagnostics Prize News (04.10.24) announced that Phase 3 of the LymeX Diagnostics Prize competition has launched. This competition, led by The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, is possible through a fiscal sponsorship with the Digital Harbor Foundation. The goal of the LymeX multiphase competition is to encourage development of urgently needed Lyme disease diagnostics toward Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review.

Six teams have advanced to Phase 3 of the competition, including: BlueArc Biosciences Inc.; Drexel University College of Medicine; HelixBind Inc.; Massachusetts General Hospital; Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine; and Tufts University. For the next 4 months, teams will plan clinical performance studies for validating their proposed diagnostic solutions. During this time period, teams will have access to resources including: “webinar modules, mentorship, and networking opportunities,” as well as, “access to technical assistance on topics such as regulatory planning, clinical study design and implementation, clinician and patient considerations, manufacturing processes and quality management systems, and commercial development.”

Teams will present and publicize their diagnostic test, demonstrating their proposed diagnostic solutions to representatives from government, industry, clinician and consumer organizations on Demo day, which will take place in fall 2024. Teams will then be judged by subject matter experts based on official evaluation criteria. Up to six $350,000 prizes will be awarded to support teams moving into Phase 4.

The teams invited to advance to Phase 4 will then compete for up to 3 million in diagnostics prizes. Phase 4 of the completion will support advancing teams to conduct clinical validation plans and complete regulatory submissions to the FDA and additional prizes for FDA clearance may be awarded.

For More Information:

Read LymeX Diagnostics Prize News Article

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